Friday, 14 October 2016

Thousands of Hillary Clinton deleted emails found by hackers

Hillary Clinton deleted emails has gathered a lot of controversy in the mainstream US media. It is being said that the same issue may adversely affect Ms. Clinton’s chances of becoming the next US president. The famous internet hackers Anonymous found to released Hillary 33000 deleted emails.

Click Here to read Full article.... 

Thursday, 13 October 2016

US and Russia prepare for World War 3

Anonymous, the group which is widely known for hacking government websites has claimed that Pentagon has recently admitted that World War 3 is imminent. Russia carried out ballistic missile tests as tensions with America continue to rise over Syria. The recent tests were only a show of force from the super power. Fears have also been aggravated by the statements from top political analysts in Russia who are saying that the government is preparing elites for a ‘big war.’

Click & Read Full article Here....

Bill Clinton sex tape will ruin Hillary’s campaign

The famous hacker group Anonymous has announced that it will leak Bill Clinton sex tape. The announcement couldn’t have come at a worst time since Bill’s wife Hillary Clinton is running for president. The sex tape will harm her political ambitions since her husband’s sex tape is sure to damage the reputation of the entire family. The tape was allegedly recorded by reclusive billionaire Jeffrey Epstein at his estate. Anonymous announced to release Bill Clinton sex video which was recorded during one of these orgies when the ex-president was having sex with underage girls.

Click HERE to watch Anonymous leaks Bill Clinton underage sex video...